
Showing posts from July, 2017

How To Fix The Wordpress White Screen Error

If blogging is your hobby for the weekends then WordPress is be the first name that would come to your mind. WordPress offers a number of features including latest plugin, themes and updates to give your blog a special appeal. However, at times even blogging software like WordPress can get affected by unknown issues and problems. One of the issue that makes it hard for WordPress lovers to successfully update their blogs is the white screen error . Those who are new to using WordPress may find it a bit confusing and might think there is some issue with the software. There is no need to worry anymore as experts at WordPress Technical Support will help you resolve this issue in no time. However, prior to providing you with the guidance regarding this issue; it is imperative that you should know what the issue is all about. What Is The White Screen Error? The screen turns completely blank leaving you completely helpless, which is also known as the white screen of death.